Uzun zamandır önemle, Darwinistlerin yapabildikleri tek şeyin demagoji olduğu gerçeğini vurguluyoruz. Yine daha önce defalarca ve önemle vurguladığımız başka bir nokta da, Darwinist demagojinin yalnızca SOYU TÜKENMİŞ FOSİLLERE dayandığıdır. Israrla anlattığımız bu gerçekleri teyid eden önemli bir örnek ise şu günlerde uluslararası ve ulusal basında yer almaktadır. Bu örnek, tanınmış Darwinist David Attenborough’un “büyük keşfi(!)” olarak tanıtılmaya çalışılan bir fosilin, Darwinist propagandanın en ünlü temsilcisi olan BBC tarafından “GİZLİ BİR BİLGİ” şeklinde açıklanacak olmasıdır. Basında hararetle yayınlanan bu haberde oldukça dikkat çekici bazı noktalar vardır. İşte Darwinist propagandanın yoğun izleri bu noktalarda ortaya çıkar. Haberde,
- Darwinist David Attenborough, Darwinistler tarafından adapid adı verilen muhtemelen soyu tükenmiş bir primat türü üzerinde propaganda yaparak, insanın hayali evriminde aranan o meşhur sözde KAYIP HALKAYI bulduğunu iddia eder.
- Fosilleşmiş iskeletin tamamının var olduğu belirtilmekte, bu fosil iskeletin BBC’deki “hayati öneme sahip” yayında gözler önüne serileceği ifade edilmektedir.
- 90 dakikalık bu belgesel “çok gizli” olarak lanse edilmiştir. Belgesel hakkındaki bilginin çeşitli Amerikan kaynaklarından alındığı belirtilmekte ve fosilin sergilenmesi olağanüstü bir olay haline getirilmeye çalışılmaktadır.
Bu üç maddede de görüldüğü gibi, Darwinist propagandanın tüm gerekleri yerine getirilerek kamuoyunda fosille ilgili Darwinist önyargı oluşturulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Soyu tükenmiş olan bir primata ait fosil, Darwinistlerce “kayıp halka” ilan edilerek insanlar aldatılmak istenmektedir. Ülkenin en tanınmış Darwinist doğabilimcisi, en tanınmış Darwinist yayını ile birlikte hareket ederek, kayıp halka hikayesiyle halkta evrim telkini oluşturmaya çalışmaktadır. İskelet tamdır, tarihleme de mükemmel şekilde yapılmıştır. Yani Darwinistlerin spekülasyon yapmak için hiçbir malzeme eksiği yoktur! Bütün bunlara dayanarak Darwinistler, bir buçuk asırdır bir türlü açıklama getiremedikleri insanın hayali evrimi aldatmacasını sözde “çözüme kavuşturmaya” çalışmaktadırlar.
Darwinistler geçmişte sıkça başvurdukları demagoji yöntemini bu defa daha sansasyonel bir şekilde uygulamaktadırlar. Mükemmel görünümde ve iyi tarihlenmiş bir fosil iskelet bulunduğunda, hele ki bu soyu tükenmiş bir canlıya aitse ve sansasyonel şekilde insanlara sunulursa, insanların hemen bunun bir ara fosil olduğuna inanacaklarını zannetmektedirler. Oysa artık böyle bir etki oluşturmaları mümkün değildir. Darwinistler geçmişteki yanlışlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Onlarca yıl önce insanları aldatabildikleri gibi, onları şimdi de aldatabileceklerine inanmak istemektedirler. Oysa yanılmaktadırlar.
Günümüzde insanlar Darwinistlerin ara fosil ilan ettikleri bir canlının, aslında mükemmel, tam ve kusursuz bir canlı olduğunu ve hiçbir ara form özelliği göstermediğini artık biliyorlar. Ne insanın ne de başka bir canlının sözde evrimleştiğini gösteren TEK BİR TANE BİLE ARA FOSİL OLMADIĞINI da biliyorlar. İnsanın hayali evriminde, diğer senaryolarda olduğu gibi, TAMAMLANMASI GEREKEN EKSİK HALKA hikayesinin tamamen aldatmacaya dayandığının, Darwinistlerin iddialarının TEK BİR TANESİNİN BİLE KANITLANAMADIĞININ DA oldukça iyi farkındadırlar. İnsanlar, şimdiye dek insanın sözde evrimine delil gösterilmeye çalışılan bütün fosillerin sahte çıktığını, hepsinin literatürden çıkarıldığını, Darwinistlerin tarihte hep KAYIP HALKA SAHTEKARLIKLARI ile tanındıklarını da çok iyi anladılar. Darwinistlerin bu sahte senaryoya daima soyu tükenmiş insan veya soyu tükenmiş maymun fosillerini delil getirmeye çalıştıklarının ve yalanlarının sürekli olarak ortaya çıktığının farkındadırlar. İnsanlar, demagojinin nasıl yapıldığını ve yıllarca Darwinistler tarafından nasıl aldatılmış olduklarını artık tüm açıklığı ve tüm gerçekliği ile anlamış durumdadırlar. İşte bu nedenle, Darwinizm lehine hiçbir delil yokken, “kayıp halka bulundu” haberlerinin yapılmasının hiçbir gerçekliğinin olmadığını da biliyorlar.
Bugün ülkemizde ve dünyada, insanlar Yaratılış Atlası ile canlıların milyonlarca yıl boyunca hiçbir değişime uğramadıklarını görmüşken, ARA FOSİL DİYE BİR ŞEY OLMADIĞINI anlamışken, tesadüfen TEK BİR PROTEİNİN BİLE OLUŞAMAYACAĞI ve canlı genomuna TEK BİR TANE BİLE YENİ BİLGİ EKLENEMEYECEĞİ ortaya çıkmışken, dayatma yoluyla Darwinizm’i kabul ettirmeye çalışmak boşa çabadır. BBC kanalının “çok gizli”, “hayati derecede önemli” diyerek sunmaya çalıştığı fosil de, primat türünün mükemmel temsilcilerinden bir diğeridir. Mükemmel iskelete sahip olduğu Darwinistlerce açıkça belirtilen bu fosilin, bir ara form olması için maymundan insana dönüşüm geçiren garip görünümlü bir canlı olması gerekmektedir. Fakat evrime göre, yeryüzünde milyarlarca, trilyonlarca olması gereken bu ara formlar HİÇ BULUNAMAMIŞTIR. TEK BİR TANE BİLE ÖRNEK YOKTUR! Milyonlarca canlı çeşidinin sözde evrimleştiğini gösteren HİÇBİR ARA FORM YOKTUR. İşte bu nedenle KAYIP HALKA UYDURMACASINA DELİL GÖSTERİLMEYE ÇALIŞILAN BU FOSİL DE, DARWİNİST SAHTEKARLIKLARIN BİR DİĞER TEMSİLCİSİNDEN BAŞKA BİR ŞEY DEĞİLDİR.
20 Mayıs 2009 Çarşamba
14 Kasım 2007 Çarşamba
Darwinism’s Unscientific Formula
Darwinism’s Unscientific Formula
Plentiful Muddy Water + A Long Time + Many Coincidences = Civilization
When the subject of evolution comes up, many people imagine that this is a scientific problem—and that for anyone less knowledgeable than scientists, Darwinism is impossible to understand. They assume it’s pointless to argue the issue, one way or the other. Indeed, Darwinists employ Latin words and scientific terms generally unfamiliar to the public in order to encourage this mistaken idea. They engage in complicated descriptions and frequently resort to demagoguery and hollow slogans in order to give the impression they are discussing a highly scientific matter.
In fact, however, Darwinism’s basic claim is completely unscientific, and its logical poverty is so obvious that even primary school age children can see it. According to Darwinism, in some unexplained manner, the first cell supposedly formed in the Earth’s primeval environment, in a pool of muddy water. And out of that single cell, a literally endless series of coincidences later gave rise to animals, plants, human beings and civilizations. In other words, all of mankind, as well as the entire plant and animal kingdoms, are supposedly the work of an ideal quantity of mud, a long period of time and plentiful coincidences.
One would have to lack any facility to understand and reason in order to believe that through coincidences, mud eventually gave rise to civilizations. Anyone capable of thinking and drawing appropriate conclusions can’t possibly be taken in by Darwinist errors.
According to Darwinists, who are suffering from an obvious logical deficiency, these materials, each one of which is unconscious, gave rise to human beings possessed of reason and conscience, who think, love, feel compassion, possess sound judgment, produce paintings and statues, compose symphonies, write novels, build skyscrapers, construct nuclear reactors, discover the causes of diseases and manufacture drugs to cure them, or engage in politics. They claim that when sufficient time had passed, lions, tigers, rabbits, deer, elephants, cats, dogs, moths, flies, crocodiles and birds all evolved by chance from muddy water.
A whole range of fruits and vegetables, with their own unique tastes and smells—oranges, strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, tomatoes, peppers—flowers with their matchless appearances and other plants all emerged from that same mud. In short, ever since Darwin’s time, countless articles, papers, films, newspaper reports, magazine articles and television programs have repeated the evolutionist scenario in which all of life emerged by chance from mud.
In other words, if you ask a Darwinist “How did our civilization arise?” or, “How did such a wide range of life forms come into being?” or, “How did mankind come into existence?” the essential answer you will receive is this: Coincidences gave rise to all these things from mud, over the course of time.
The Darwinist scenario of “life emerging from mud” can no longer deceive people. Any rational person can immediately see the nonsensical premise of the theory of evolution.
One would doubtless need to be devoid of reason or lack any facility for understanding in order to believe such a tale. Yet surprisingly, that very irrational and illogical theory has had its adherents for many years and is still being propagated constantly under a scientific guise.
The Lies of Darwinism Have Been Unmasked
Scientific evidence has revealed that the “sequence” of equine evolution, long portrayed as one of the strongest pieces of evidence for evolution, is untrue—and wholly imaginary.
The theory of evolution, first proposed under the primitive conditions of the 19th century, has been disproved by advances in science and technology. It has been recognized that Darwin’s claims are totally unrealistic: Natural selection and mutations, cited as the mechanisms that drive the process of evolution, have no effects of the kind envisaged by Darwinists. In short, it is impossible for them to give rise to new species.
The final death blow to Darwinism was dealt by the fossil record. Darwin claimed that all the millions of different life forms had come into being through descent from a supposed single common ancestor.
In order for his claim to be verified, there should be traces in the fossil record—an irrefutable document of natural history—of this supposed primitive ancestor and of the various life forms that developed from it. For example, if all mammals were descended from reptiles, as evolutionists maintain, then there would have to be fossil remains of a series of half-mammalian, half-reptilian life forms.
To date, millions of fossils, belonging to a great many species, have been unearthed during excavations. Yet not a single one showing a transition between species has ever been found. Every fossil ever found shows that each living thing emerged suddenly, with all its characteristics complete. In other words, every species of plant and animal was created.
Confronted by this fact, evolutionists have resorted to various falsehoods. They have produced hoaxes—counterfeit, artificial fossils that have come to be regarded as disgraces to paleontology. They have tried to deceive the lay public by tampering with genuine fossils of extinct life forms and inventing a series of imaginary scenarios. One of the best known of them is the so-called “evolution of the horse.”
Fossils belonging to entirely different species that once lived in India, South America, North America and Europe were arranged in order of size—from small to large—in the light of evolutionist imaginations. So far, different researchers have come up with more than 20 different equine evolution scenarios. There is no agreement among them regarding all these completely different family trees. The one point they commonly agree upon is their belief that a dog-like creature known as Eohippus (or Hyracotherium) that lived in the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago) was the very first ancestor of today’s horses. However, Eohippus—portrayed as the ancestor of the horse and that became extinct millions of years ago—is almost identical to the present-day animal known as the hyrax, which looks nothing like a horse and is totally unrelated to that species.
Moreover, it has been established that breeds of horse living today have also been discovered in the same rock strata as Eohippus. (See Francis Hitching’s The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1982, pp. 30-31.) This means that the horse and its supposed ancestor were both living at the same time, which proves that the horse never underwent any such process as evolution.
The invalidity of the “equine series” proposed by evolutionists also applies to birds, fish, reptiles and mammals, in short, to all living things, to their supposedly common ancestors and supposed family trees. It has been determined that every fossil species suggested as being the ancestor of some other living thing either belongs to an independent extinct life form or is the result of evolutionists tampering with fossils of the species in question.
Darwinism has been exposed as the most wide-ranging and astonishing deception in the world’s history. That millions have been taken in by this deception, as if hypnotized, and have been influenced by all of Darwinism’s illogical claims, is truly miraculous. The support lent to the theory of evolution and the acceptance it has enjoyed up to now are the result of tricks played on mankind by satan, who urges vast numbers of people towards Darwinism.
Until recently, no one had the courage to unmask this ruse of satan’s and to publicize the true facts. But in the present century, the response to this deception has finally been laid out in full detail, and the public has been made fully aware of the state of affairs. By the will of God, the collapse of Darwinism has advanced beyond any point of recovery. Indeed, that is the fundamental reason for the panic in the Darwinian global empire.
They said, “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” (Qur'an, 2:32)
Ever since the theory of evolution was first put forward, it has brought about nothing but conflict, war and moral degeneration. A deep understanding of the subject and an intellectual campaign against the theory are therefore essential.
Mankind can be freed from ruthlessness, lovelessness and selfishness, all of which sicknesses result from the materialist worldview, only when the false nature of the theory of evolution is finally realized—because evolution is the sole (supposedly scientific) foundation on which materialist philosophy rests.
The erroneous nature of this theory has been disproved many times, with full scientific evidence. Even though cheap propaganda techniques and various falsehoods have still tried to keep it alive, an overwhelming majority of the people has nevertheless rejected it.
Fossils dating back any millions of years are identical to their present-day counterparts.
These living things, which can be seen to have undergone no change whatsoever over millions of years, refute the theory of evolution.
Examination of the millions of fossils discovered to date has revealed no “missing links” or organisms undergoing any change at all.
45- to 15-million-year-old gecko fossil, versus a living specimen.
127-million-year-old needlefish.
50-million-year-old fossil bat and a living specimen.
161-million-year-old fossil salamander.
50-million-year-old scorpion preserved in amber, compared with a living specimen.
450-millionyear-old horseshoe crab, and a living specimen.
24-million-year old fossil bee, and aliving specimen.
20- to 15-million year- old fossilscorpion and a living specimen.
45- to 15-million-year-oldlong-hornedbeetle and aliving specimen.
300-million-old fossil tortoise and a living specimen.
82- to 68-million-year-old sea urchin fossil.
64-million-year-old fossil shrimp.
53- to 33-million- year-oldfossil frog.
The number of fossils that literally refute Darwinism is in the millions, and growing. Many of these are kept in storage, with only a very few on display to the public. This book has been written to put an end to these fossils, which represent a complete response to the claims of Darwinism, being kept concealed and away from public scrutiny. Do not miss How Fossils Overturned Evolution: Millions of Proofs That Refute Darwinism, to be published in the very near future.
161-million-year-old fossil salamander.
50-million-year-old scorpion preserved in amber, compared with a living specimen.
450-millionyear-old horseshoe crab, and a living specimen.
24-million-year old fossil bee, and aliving specimen.
20- to 15-million year- old fossilscorpion and a living specimen.
45- to 15-million-year-oldlong-hornedbeetle and aliving specimen.
300-million-old fossil tortoise and a living specimen.
82- to 68-million-year-old sea urchin fossil.
64-million-year-old fossil shrimp.
53- to 33-million- year-oldfossil frog.
The number of fossils that literally refute Darwinism is in the millions, and growing. Many of these are kept in storage, with only a very few on display to the public. This book has been written to put an end to these fossils, which represent a complete response to the claims of Darwinism, being kept concealed and away from public scrutiny. Do not miss How Fossils Overturned Evolution: Millions of Proofs That Refute Darwinism, to be published in the very near future.

By HARUN YAHYA (Adnan Oktar)
Darwinism claims that intermediate fossils exist, when they do not ... It offers invalid "proofs." All the fossils discovered clearly verify creation, but it maintains just the opposite. It seeks to persuade us that great artists and brilliant scientists came into existence through a chance arrangement of proteins; the odds against that ever happening are 1 in 10950 - in other words, impossible. It even seeks to convince us that university professors who thus emerged do research on how they, themselves, came into being by chance!
Darwinism regards the way that a living cell's chromosomes contain more coded information than a giant library as a miracle of blind chance. It insists that merely by the divine power of chance, unconscious atoms developed over eons into seeing, hearing, conscious human beings. For Darwinism, the deity that works miracles is chance. Now in these books, you can read for yourself the newly-discovered evidence that removes the dark spell of Darwinism once and for all.
1. Darwinism no longer claims that proteins could have formed through "evolution." The odds against even a single protein emerging randomly in its correct sequence is 10950 to 1 - a mathematical impossibility.
2. Darwinism no longer presents fossils as evidence of evolution. All the worldwide excavations down to the present day have not unearthed a single one of the mythical "intermediate forms" or "missing links," of which evolutionists once claimed there should be millions.
3. Evolutionists despair in the face of the countless fossils discovered so far. That's because each one is of a kind that supports and proves creation.
4. Evolutionists no longer maintain that Archaeopteryx was the forerunner of birds. The latest research into Archaeopteryx fossils totally invalidates the claim that this creature was "half-bird," and shows that it possessed the full anatomy and brain structure needed for flight, so the myth of "avian evolution" has become untenable.
5. Darwinism no longer points to the erroneous sequence of fossils, in which the modern horse is supposedly the final result. The fossils represent independent species that lived at different times, and in different places.
6. Darwinism can no longer use the fossil Coelacanth to support the myth of life's transition from water to land. This creature, once claimed to be an extinct intermediate form, is a bottom-dwelling fish of which more than 200 living specimens have been caught.
7. Darwinism can no longer maintain that fossil creatures like Ramapithecus and the Australopithecus subspecies (A. Bosei, A. Robustus, A. Aferensis, A. Africanus, etc.) were the ancestors of man. Research has demonstrated that they are totally unrelated to human beings and are extinct species of ape.
8. Darwinism can no longer deceive people with artists' "reconstructions" of animals that once lived. Scientists have revealed that reconstructions based on the skeletal remains are of no scientific value and are completely untrustworthy.
9. Darwinism can no longer point to Piltdown Man as evidence for evolution. No such fossil as "Piltdown Man" ever existed! For 40 years, people were deceived by a hoax - an orangutan's jawbone added to a human cranium.
10. Darwinism can no longer maintain that Nebraska Man and its alleged family confirm evolution. The remains of "Nebraska Man's" molar tooth actually belonged to an extinct species of wild pig.
11. Darwinism can no longer maintain that natural selection gave rise to evolution. Science has proven that this mechanism cannot cause living things to acquire new characteristics and thus, "evolve."
Darwinists have offered a great deal more misinformation than the above examples, and time has totally invalidated them all. For example, the mutations once claimed to "fuel" evolution, actually have a destructive effect, bringing not improvements but sickness, deformity or death. The structure in the human embryo that Darwinists once identified as gills is actually the beginning of the middle-ear canal, the parathyroid, and the thymus gland. It's been revealed that drawings of embryos were later altered to support evolution. It's been discovered that the genetic information for bacteria's resistance to antibiotics has actually existed in their DNA since they came into being.
So far, the books of Harun Yahya have been translated into 41 languages, and are now available to millions worldwide. In some countries, books dealing with the collapse of the theory of evolution have even been placed on official school curricula. Called "irrefutable" by evolutionists, these books have attracted enormous interest. A few of these books can be seen to the side.
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